Balance Matters Envision yourself out for a full moon jog with Celeste and her new family. She's looking to find some balance in her life. Sound familiar?
Confidence Matters Move into the peace of Sandy's moonlit night. She's looking for more confidence, and even small wins have helped. How about you?
Connection Matters Take off for an everyday adventure in Michelle and Lori's lovely moonlit night. These two are seeking a deeper connection. Maybe that's you too?
Encouragement Matters Visualize yourself hiking with Maddie through the misty landscape. She's pregnant and looking for reassurance and encouragement. Sound familiar?
Freedom Matters Close your eyes and imagine you’re there enjoying Helen's moonlit night. She wants to feel safer and more free. What? You too?
Inspiration Matters Find yourself in the lovely stillness of Stacey’s moonlit night. She's trying to find some inspiration in her dull life. Does this sound like you?
Passion Matters Step outside under Lola's revitalizing full moon. She's been feeling unispired and wants to get her passion back. Can you relate?
Persistence Matters Step into the peace and tranquility of Abby’s moonlit night. She's seeking more persistence and patience with herself. Is this you too?
Purpose Matters Enter into the stillness of Lisa's moonlit night. Notice the moonlight on the water's surface, and breathe. She's seeking her purpose in life. Sound familiar?
Reflection Matters Lose yourself in Freida's moonlit night and breathe more deeply. She's looking to slow down and find space to reflect. How about you?
Simplicity Matters Picture yourself gaining some clarity in Jaycee's moonlit night. She's been looking for more simplicity in her life. Maybe that's you too?
Solitude Matters Come out and play under Ingrid's snowy moonlit night. She's out here trying to find some peace and stillness. Could you use some too?
Spirituality Matters Come explore the cool desert and do some T'ai chi under Mariah's full moon. She wants more spirituality in her life. Does that sound familiar?
Spontaneity Matters Come out under the full moon and make merry with Angel, Nikki & Dana. They're all seeking more spontaneity in their lives. What? You too?
Surrender Matters Dream you’re out hiking under Sofia's moonlit night. She's looking for certainty and faith so she can trust in the Universe’s plan. How about you?