Believe in Magic Close your eyes and remember how magic feels. Be reminded that you already believe (despite life's chaos and distractions.)
Believe in Miracles How does it feel when you can let go and be open to whatever unfolds? Be reminded to surrender to the Universe's miraculous plan.
Choose Peace Peace is often an intentional choice. You choose peace over being right or telling your side. Be reminded to choose peace more often.
Cultivate Joy What does it feel like when you decide to bring joy into your thought more often? This can help you feel more buoyant and optimistic.
Expect Magic What happens when you go around expecting magic instead of doubting it exists? Being reminded of this mindset can make magic easier to notice.
Goddess Magic As a Goddess, you know your worth and accept nothing less. Be reminded who you are, keep your vibes high, and keep self-doubt away.
Let the Magic Begin Think about how magic feels when you're entirely present, aware, and appreciating what's already around you. Be reminded that you're ready for magic.
Love is all the Matters What happens when you choose to focus on love, light, and compassion? Be reminded that love really is all that matters.
Magic Exists What happens when you look up from that to-do list and come back to yourself? Be reminded to notice the magic in every little thing.
Make Magic How does it feel to yield to magic and possibilities? Here's a gentle reminder to slow down, and be more aware of the small stuff.
Moon Goddess How does it feel when you live in harmony with your inner Moon Goddess? Be reminded to live by your own rules and honor yourself.
Moon Magic Remember how it feels when you live in harmony with the moon? Be reminded to manage your energy in cyclical, feminine ways.
Seek Magic What does it feel like when you're in the flow of magic? Be reminded that magic is always there, waiting for you to plug in.
She Believed She Could… What does it feel like to have an unshakable belief in yourself? Be reminded how capable, strong and unstoppable you are.